
Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Anas Fanani, usually called Anas. I am a technology enthusiast, especially in the field of Programming and Information Security.

I enjoy learning programming languages, especially for PHP, HTML, Javascript, Bash, and Python programming languages.

My hobbies besides learning programming languages and information security are reading articles, watching movies, and playing games. I also like to write articles on my personal blog, which you can read on this website.

Some open source projects that I have created can be seen on my Github account. Here are some of my Github stats:

anasfananis Stats

In addition, I also have several other basic skills that might help you, such as:

  • Social Media, Digital Marketing, Blogging
  • Microsoft Office, Excel
  • Linux, Android, Windows
  • Networking
  • Graphic Design
  • IT troubleshooting

Some training certifications that I have:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Graphic Design

Languages that I master:

  • Indonesian (National Language)
  • English (Basic)
  • Javanese (Mother Tongue)

You may find this website has articles in English, that’s because I am learning and getting used to writing articles in English. So, I apologize if there are mistakes in writing articles in English.

If you want to contact me, you can contact me via my email at anas [at] anasfanani [dot] com.

Thank you for visiting my website, I hope you get useful information on this website. If you want to discuss or ask about the articles I write, you can leave a comment on the article you read. I will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0