Menyembunyikan default redirect di CPanel dengan CloudFlare

Menyembunyikan redirect cPanel (/cpanel,/whm,/webmail) dengan Cloudflare. Keamanan tambahan agar login CPanel tidak terlihat dan potensi IP terpublikasi rendah.

cPanel is a popular hosting control panel that provides a variety of features and tools to help you manage your website. However, the default cPanel redirect can be a security risk. This redirect sends users to the cPanel login page when they enter your domain name in their browser. This can make it easier for hackers to find your cPanel login information and your real IP address.

To hide the default cPanel redirect, you can use Cloudflare. Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) that can help improve the performance and security of your website. To hide the default cPanel redirect with Cloudflare, follow these steps:


  • A Cloudflare account.
  • Your website must already be on Cloudflare.


Login to CloudFlare

Go to the Cloudflare dashboard:

Create Rules

Click on the Rules tab and select Transform Rules.

Scroll down to the Custom Records section.

Click on the Create Rule button.

In the Name field, enter a name for the rule, such as Disable Default Redirect CPanel.

In the When incoming requests match… section, select Custom filter expression and click on Edit Expression. Enter the following value for the expression:

 (http.request.uri.path eq "/cpanel") or (http.request.uri.path
    eq "/whm") or (http.request.uri.path eq "/webmail") 

This expression will match any request that comes in to the Cloudflare proxy with a URI path of /cpanel, /whm, or /webmail.

In the Path section, select Rewrite to… and select Static. Then, enter /not-found in the field below. This will tell Cloudflare to rewrite any requests that match the expression to a page with the URI path of /not-found.

In the Query section, select Preserve. This will ensure that any query parameters that are included in the request are also included in the rewritten request.

Click on the Save button.

That’s it! Cloudflare will now redirect any requests that match the expression to a page with the URI path of /not-found. This will help to hide your cPanel login information and your real IP address from potential hackers.

Dibangun dengan Hugo
Tema Stack dirancang oleh Jimmy